ankara'da da yoğun bir şekilde devam eden olaylar sebebiyle odtü öğrencilerinin büyük kısmının rektörlükten isteği. pek ciddiye alınıp erteleneceği yok da en azından bir duruş belirtilmesi açısından birşeyler yapılabilirdi. mesela kimya hocası salih özçubukçu çok duyarlı bir hareketle şu mail'i atmış öğrencilere :
dear all chem 107 section 4 students
here is your final exam question;
what is the chemistry behind the healing effect of liquid antacid (magnesium and calcium hydroxide) to the pepper sprays(capcaisin)?
a. by lowering the ph, it decrease the effect of capcaisin.
b. by increasing the ph, it decrease the effect of capcaisin.
c. calcium and magnesium ions decrease the effect of capcaisine
d. ıt helps the stomach only.
e. her yer taksim, her yer direniş.
(there is not only one correct answer)
ıf you answer this question correctly, you can get a make up on friday at 9:30
dear all
ı got many emails asking to postpone the final exam. ı also get the opposite one. there are some people who scheduled to go abroad for internship etc. right after final exams etc.
ı think in such situation it is better not to postpone. officially, all of the students must allow the final exam change. since it is impossible as ı said, ı will allow to get make up exams for those who are on streets and resisting facist police and government forces. may the force be with you.
kaynak: ekşi http://eksisozluk.com/entry/34268050?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=tweet&utm_campaign=social&utm_content=orta+dogu+teknik+universitesi&utm_term=0
ne diyelim, helal olsun.
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